Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Another Revolution Revealing Blog?

It has just come to my attention (well yesterday) that there is another so-called "Seriousgamer007" blog up and running. This anonymous person has been periodically updating his blog since late summer. He promises to release what little information he has learned, through his work connections, on his blog. However, if it becomes too popular *cough* Seriousgamer007 *cough*, he threatens to shut it down.

I've read all of his postings, and while most of them were accurate, some of them have been a bit of a stretch. He made some bold claims about the TGS: new Mario 128 footage, most of Revolution features revealed, and the online "Point System." However, despite all of this misinformation, he has been very humble and not haughty like Seriousgamer007.

On Monday he said that the Futurna was not real (go figure), an African American character will play a lead role in a Revolution game (could the infamous 'Nigga' reprise his role?), and Revolution is definitely NOT the final name anymore (according to him, it went from Next --> Revolution --> Shiftbox --> Shift --> Revolution --> ?).

Lastly, he mentioned that the revolutionary feature of the system WILL be revealed by the end of the year, mostly likely at the Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference 2005.

Right now, it is hard for me to call bogus or not. This person, whomever he may be, is certainly not an idiot, but is taking a hefty risk by breaking his non-disclosure agreement. However, I say more power to him! We, as gamers, want to know as much as possible! Let the Revolution live up to its hype!

Until his next update, I'll say not bogus.

You should read all of his updates yourself to make your own call:

RevealingTheRevolution :: The only real information

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